One of the great benefits of heading out on any of our trips is that we’re able to unplug from our digital world for a few days. Electronics are allowed while traveling to our destinations, but we have a longstanding rule that
Scouts are not allowed to use electronics while on our trips (i.e. if brought they’ll be left in vehicles and not used during the trip).
WHAT: Backpacking in the Savage Gulf State Park.
RSVP: FULL - contact Charlie Penner if you would like to be added to a wait list.
DEPART: 7:00AM on Sep 23 from Publix on S Royal Oaks
RETURN: 1-2PM on Sep 24 to Publix on S Royal Oaks
DISTANCE/ELEVATION: 7.4 miles, 1,342 ft ascent, 1,348 ft descent
Saturday: Lunch, Dinner (breakfast on your own)
Sunday: Breakfast (bring money for lunch on the way home)
COST: $27 for Scouts, $10 for Adults ($17 discount for Scouts using OWNFOOD-SAVAGEGULF if you need to bring your own food for dietary reasons)
We’ll start at the Stone Door campground, hike down into the gulf, and follow the Big Creek Gulf trail west to the Alum Gap campground. On Sunday we’ll hike back to Stone Door via the northern rim Laurel trail.
This is a straightforward but challenging first day (a fair bit of elevation at the beginning and end of the trail), with an option to take a short spur trail to see Ranger Falls along the way. The second day is much shorter and easier. See the maps/elevation profiles below for more details here.