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Packing Lists

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Grimes Canoeing Packing List

Paddling down the Buffalo River

This packing list works well for any canoeing trip, whether from Grimes Canoe Base or other area canoeing opportunities.

General Notes

Prefer soft bags instead of backpacks (their rigid frames are harder to fit into canoes).
All your gear can get wet, so pack items in zip lock bags or dry bags. Trash bags will not work well. If you don’t have a dry bag, pack items in multiple layers to increase water resistance.
Donʼt over pack, but be prepared for possible changing weather conditions.
As noted on the the Troop provides: tents, dining fly, stoves, cooking gear, and water filtration.

On the water

Swim trunks or synthetic shorts
Class B or other synthetic/poly shirt
Water shoes, old tennis shoes, river sandals, etc - no flip flops or Crocs
Hat for sun protection
Waterproof/Dry bag(s)
Optional - canoe seat
Optional - wool or synthetics socks for comfort
Optional - gloves


Water bottle
Rain gear - jacket and pants
Optional - sunglasses
Optional - eye glass strap
Optional - Paper and Pencil / Pen

Off the water

Synthetic shorts or pants - zip off pants are great
Synthetic t-shirt
Long sleeve shirt
Socks - wool or synthetic
Closed toe Shoes
Mess Kit
Flashlight / Headlamp plus extra batteries
Sleeping bag
Small pillow
Sleeping pad
Personal Items (toothpaste, toothbrush, and deodorant)
Optional - Camp chair

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