One of the great benefits of heading out on any of our trips is that we’re able to unplug from our digital world for a few days. Electronics are allowed while traveling to our destinations, but we have a longstanding rule that
Scouts are not allowed to use electronics while on our trips (i.e. if brought they’ll be left in vehicles and not used during the trip).
WHAT: Merit Badge University & Tenderfoot Campout Where: Christ Community Church (Indoors and Scout Barn) ARRIVAL: 5:15 PM on Feb 21 to Christ Community Church DEPARTURE: 8:30 AM on Feb 23 from Christ Community Church Scouts attending Saturday sessions only and who are not camping will be responsible for their own lunch and snacks throughout the day. PACKING LIST: This is the minimum but a scout is prepared so check the weather forecast. ITINERARY
Merit Badge University/Tenderfoot Campout, Feb. 21-23, registration and signup are ready. We have two sites that will have to be visited to complete this process. Families should have received an email from Mr. Tim Kucejko with a link to site to select classes for MBU. Payment for the weekend’s meals, supply fees, and details of your expected attendance can be completed via the Troop 13 Store. If you have questions please contact me or Tim Kucejko, Merit Badge Coordinator, at tim@kucejko.com.
Fri., Feb 21:
Camp setup (arrival-5:45 pm)
Round 1 of classes (6 pm-9 pm)
#2-Automotive Maintenance Part 1 of 2 (Must take Parts 1 and 2)
#4-Citizenship in the World
#5-Digital Tech
#6-Pottery ($4 Supply fee)
Campfire and activities (9:10ish pm-10:30 pm)
Lights out (10:30 pm)
Sat., Feb 22:
Round 2 of classes (9 am-12 Noon)
#8-Automotive Maintenance Part 2 of 2 (Must take Parts 1 and 2)
#9-Citizenship in the Nation
#11-Personal Management/Family Life
#12-Space Exploration ($11 Supply fee)
Lunch (12Noon-1:35 pm)
Round 3 of classes (1:45 pm-4:45 pm)
#13-Citizenship in the Community
#15-Cooking ($10 Supply fee)
#16-Scouting Heritage
#17-Painting ($20 Supply fee)
Campfire and activities (5:00ish pm-10:30 pm)
Lights out (10:30 pm)
Sun., Feb 23:
Head home
Menus can be suitable for backpacking or car camping (i.e. coolers are allowed). Check out . Breakfast: in camp (each patrol separately) Lunch: in camp (each patrol separately) Dinner: in camp (each patrol separately) Breakfast: in camp (each patrol separately) Scouts: meals will be organized by patrol.
Adults: You are responsible for your own meals.
RSVP list current as of February 6, 2025 8:30 pm.